Friday, October 19, 2012

Paper or Electronic Books?

I used to think it was an age thing, my affinity for holding an actual book in my hands, but my opinion has changed.

Recently, while eating dinner at La Strada in Brick, NJ (best veal dishes in Ocean County), I had the pleasure of meeting two ladies at the table next to us.  They overheard me speaking to my wife about the success of my debut novel, “Revelation” and they wanted to know how to buy it.

Judging a ‘book by its cover’, I estimated their ages in the upper forties to early fifties.  I immediately assumed they would prefer the paperback.  Much to my surprise (pleasantly I might add) they both said they loved their Kindle readers.  I shot a wry look at my wife, who sat with an eager grin on her face while she watched me try to remove my foot from my mouth, and kindly apologized for making assumptions based on age.

In my own defense, I must admit, my personal preference towards holding an actual book may have jaded my judgment.  But, regardless, I decided to begin taking a poll.  My book sells for under $5.00 for the electronic version, and $14.95 for the paperback.  After reviewing the sales figures from last month, it seems clear people prefer the electronic version.  I do not necessarily believe it is a price issue.  Those who like ‘real’ books are accustomed to paying for them.  Not to mention those who are exclusively hardcover readers.  But the quandary still irks me.

My answer is obvious: paperback just feels better in my hands, and perhaps, it makes me feel better about myself.  I just love to look at my bookshelf and see all those good books I read lined up, showing their colorful cracked spines.  It makes me smile, like a job well done.  Somehow, the electronic versions get lost in a sea of ones and zeros.

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